Friday, January 6, 2012

If people do not make the effort to remove the corrupt institutions which govern our lives then what will the seeds of our thoughts and dreams become as life continues in this manner of existence?

I never believed in Obama, cause I never “believe” in anything people say who are funded by large institutions with something to sell. To do so, is a contradiction in and of itself. And I am suggesting for humanity to become responsible about the destructive principals of our “beliefs” and how they have lead to all conflicts reflecting that of War.

Thus, it is controlling our beliefs that War pigs and Media hounds are forever attempting to make people “Believe” something, like Romney's slogan this campaign could possibly be any different than Obama's slogan in 2008 calling for "Hope" which is no more than superficial faith--yet, many bought into it, but not beyond the point of return to awareness.

Both, Obama and Romney, are flat-out and obvious liars (just like Newt and San-dork-um--Murdochs' US boy) and how anyone who is sane could vote for any of these posers in 2012 is beyond me, as if they would be truthful and not favor the elitist prats who put them in power...

What a hoax! It is just so eye-opening to really begin to see into the depths of their deceitful tactics and under the guise of being referred to as "constitutional" and "lawful" all the while.

I find this to be a curious question and expansive answer: When Buddy Roemer was asked if he would be attending the next Republican Presidential nominee debate, he responds by saying, "IT's a trick, I just want Justice."
--j.a. knolls