Sunday, January 1, 2012

Written by j.a. knolls

Corporations are not, and will never be, people!

As well, unlimited political spending can not remain being recognized as "free speech" by our Supreme Court under the newly created "Citizens United" law allowing for super PACs. This is a breech of the Checks & Balances process which is meant to minimize corruption in politics and within our federal government's Executive branch.

Wondering seriously, why do peoples' laws reflect that ALL corporations have rights to function as an individual entity pertaining to the court of law?

Small business corporations function so much differently than these Mega-corporate institutions...who are prompting and allowing a few elitist prats to run our lives down, under the lie of "corporations being the best and only way to structure businesses in a Capitalistic society", because your personal assets are not liable to be lost if your business is sued.

There really are certain areas where common-sense needs to replace corporate law...

Corporate law pertaining to some forms of business are the worst structure possible for our human-made businesses to function under...without prompting large-scale corruptive and abusive behavior within the larger corporations, suggesting the larger the corporation/institution the larger the amounts of shady acts and lies surfacing over time.

Those same mega-corporations ultimately and inevitably harm other humans and our living planet. And those making the decisions to fling big money bets while risking and losing peoples' life-savings and pensions are going scot-free!

Perhaps, the word, "corporation" reflects to similarly to the word, "corruption" for human awareness not to confuse the two when institutions grow too big for their own noose.

And this has been exemplified
perfectly by the Pharmaceutical industry prioritizing their profits above human safety.

Since, health care is meant to be about treating the person's condition as a human by helping them to acheive wellness...this obviously points to the fact that a corporate structure, which is not human, is also incapable of treating people well.

Thus, suggesting that the Coca-cola & Diet Coke "soft drinks" many savor must be laced with hard psychedelics to cause so many people to be constantly tripping in the States...

Note: You are not American unless you are referring to the Continent you may dwell on... For instance, when "Americans" (being derived from a Spanish word) refer to themselves as such, it points to ignorance of geography and to the idea that US economic dominance over our neighbors to the South & North makes us somehow superior to others living on the Continent of America. This mentality is reflective of the same elitist b.s. we deal with in our current state of national politics, where the 1% utilize their monies to corrupt the democratic political system that was established by the writers of our constitution. These lacks to awareness in our speech limit the further expanses into our evolution as People. Our brillances are shown through creating works of art and by contributing positive efforts to our fellow human beings; thus, helping us gain peace about a sense of our own lives. Whereas, war is merely reaching for an obtainable sense of self-defeat while proclaiming your superficial faith or "hope" for a better World to result. When will those making War, run out of wars to fight in?