Thursday, December 29, 2011

Roaring Stillness: revistied

Because Alice and I have three children to care for... it has given us a reason to care more than ever about the currents created through unfolding politics and what it is that makes me want to speak up by expressing the right to Free Speech !

When did "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" become replaced with "fear, failure, and the pursuit of greed" in the general voice of the USA peoples' elected leaders?

Perhaps, this karmic irony has always existed here from the onset of pushing indigenous peoples around and down like a big bully with a death flu blanket while needing to build a clad iron track through the great open plains which happened to only sustain their existence..?

Who is in charge of writing US history or BIG medias' slant anyway?

Why do we not know who wants to form our opinions as "facts" through repetitive processing?

One may trust that it is those who are pushing us to consume more forms of their money making schemes...and let me suggest as many have before me, there is a much better experiment instead of this current financial ploy depicting saturated debris & debt.

Is it not the time to find a mentor who is pure of heart to teach how to perform a life sustaining task so one may then teach another how to sustain life without such great needs of dependency on modernized capitalistic plastics..?

To faith in the waves of harmonic energies' roots ! j.a. knolls