Saturday, January 26, 2013

Wake up America and take care of your indigenous peoples NOW !

Because many of our ancestors and forefathers' past actions were inexcusable, it does not mean that such atrocities should continue being allowed for by modern society's men and women; or at least, not by those of us who are still capable of speaking and acting from our hearts.

  So again, I ask that you WAKE UP and help our indigenous peoples, who once had such a great pride and nobility in their way of life.

 Efforts to help them regain a better quality of living at any cost is not too much to ask, which in reality is nothing a few executives and/or politicians could not do from their own pockets, were they to choose to be philanthropists with a relationship to reality.

Is the word "philanthropy" somehow never defined for its students by Ivy League college professors...?  Based on my observations, it seems that our so-called "leaders" commonly have shown all of us how to be philanderers instead.