Friday, March 30, 2012

Senate Rejects Stripping Oil Company Tax Breaks

The Senate has failed to pass a measure that would end billions of dollars in tax breaks for large oil companies. The measure failed on a 51-47 vote, short of the 60 needed to overcome a Republican-led filibuster. Earlier in the day, President Obama called on lawmakers to choose between oil companies and the American people.

President Obama: "Today, Members of Congress have a simple choice to make. They can stand with big oil companies, or they can stand with the American people. It’s not like these are companies that can’t stand on their own. Last year, the three biggest U.S. oil companies took home more than $80 billion in profit. Exxon pocketed nearly $4.7 million every hour. And when the price of oil goes up, prices at the pump go up, and so do these companies’ profits."

posted on Democracy Now !

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

8 Chuwen (Mar. 27th) – aka 8 Batz’, this is the day when Quiche Maya daykeepers celebrate the

renewal of their sacred calendar traditions and initiate new daykeepers; as this also correlates with

the maximum elongation of Venus it suggests a highly auspicious moment, on this last day before

the Wayeb’ begins (in accordance to the daykeepers of the Quiche Maya).

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Equinox !

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hoodoo is also an American term, originating in the 19th century or earlier. One of its meanings refers to African-American folk magic. Here is how the word "hoodoo" has been defined in the recent past:
Hoodoo consists of a large body of African folkloric practices and beliefs with a considerable admixture of American Indian botanical knowledge and European folklore. Other regionally popular names for hoodoo in the various communities include "conjuration," "conjure," "witchcraft," "rootwork," and "tricking." The first three are simply English words; the fourth is a recognition of the pre-eminence that dried roots play in the making of charms and the casting of spells, and the fifth is a special meaning for a common English word.
Hoodoo is used as a noun to name both the system of magic ("He used hoodoo on her") and its practitioners ("Doctor Buzzard was a great hoodoo in his day"). In the 1930s, some practitioners used the noun "hoodooism" (analogous with "occultism") to describe their work, but that term has dropped out of common parlance. Hoodoo is also an adjective ("he layed a hoodoo trick for her") and a verb ("she hoodooed that man until he couldn't love no one but her"). The verb "to hoodoo" appears in collections of early pre-blues folk-songs. A professional consultant who practices hoodoo on behalf of clients may be referred to as a "hoodoo doctor" or "hoodoo man" if male and a "hoodoo woman" or "hoodoo lady" if female. A typical early reference occurs in Samuel C. Taylor's diary for 1891, in which he describes and illustrates meeting with a "Hoodoo Doctor" while on a train. Taylor recounts that the word "hoodoo" was taught to him by the Pullman porter on the train. The "doctor" he describes was both an herbalist and folk-magician.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Whale bones found along the high desert of Chile

Monday, March 12, 2012

Turtle Medicine transports us between dimensions, from waking to dreamtime awareness and back. It helps us to slow down our thoughts and the very frequency that keeps the earth drama in play. As you close your eyes and visualize Turtle Medicine, it is so easy to see the form of Turtle as the Earth Mother, swimming effortlessly through the vastness of space. Touch and feel the hard shell beneath your feet. Listen and feel on the inside as breath slows down and thoughts fall away. Your connection with the Earth can be felt as an ancient memory, a distant playing of song that can be heard in the farthest periphery of awareness. You ride upon the back of Turtle Medicine, through skies and ocean…through all dimensions!

As your breath slows down, gently and in the most natural way, you feel yourself expanding through all realms, until you know your Self as part of all things, including the dance of littleness and limitation that is so much a part of the earth drama. And yet, as you breathe with the breath of Turtle Medicine, and allow its song to wash over you like the warm rays of the Sun, you also know that the dream of littleness is for a short while, and that the Earth Mother is calling you to release the tight hold you have upon the nightmare.Listen and feel! The breath relaxes and as you watch inhalation meeting exhalation, and exhalation meeting inhalation, the awareness deepens of itself as mind and body slow down, as the frequency of little self melts into the resonance of the Earth Mother. Upon the back of Turtle Medicine you ride, floating so easily, so quietly. Can you feel the hard shell, smooth and worn. When you touch the shell of Turtle you are connecting with the ancient memories of the Great Mystery!

Look into the shell that is beneath your feet. Something is reflecting back from the farthest galaxies of memory. Observe and receive…listen and feel. Turtle Medicine calls you to ride upon its back, to travel through places of light and shadow, pain and joy, enjoying the great dance of creation that unfolds within the openness of your heart! Enjoy and receive!

--Writing found on

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Virgo Full Moon, March 8, 2012

Disciple: One who is pledged to serve humanity, who is beginning to comprehend group work; who realizes the Life force of nature; who is transferring her/his consciousness out of the personal into the impersonal; who realizes her/his responsibility to everyone and everything that comes under her/his influence and to the Whole.

A full Moon seeks to unit opposite, yet complementary energies. The full Moon takes in the golden light of the Sun, transforms it and sends it back out into our night as glowing silvery light. This alchemical transformation of Light washes us an awareness of the possibilities of change, for the Light is the same, and yet different. Each month, the full Moon takes the essence of the solar Light and brings us a new piece of Wisdom, a new insight into Life, a new awareness of Self, for the Moon's magic is the source of transformation and growth here on Earth.

The 2012 Virgo full Moon occurs on Thursday, March 8 at 1:41 am PST, 4:41 am EST, 9:41 am GMT.

--writing found at

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012

If you learn from, and enjoy them; then I call you brother or sister.
Otherwise, if you apply "scienc-i-tific method to life" yet allow corrupted fools knowingly to rule you, may I suggest your formula is a hoax !!!

j.a. knolls