Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Virgo Full Moon, March 8, 2012

Disciple: One who is pledged to serve humanity, who is beginning to comprehend group work; who realizes the Life force of nature; who is transferring her/his consciousness out of the personal into the impersonal; who realizes her/his responsibility to everyone and everything that comes under her/his influence and to the Whole.

A full Moon seeks to unit opposite, yet complementary energies. The full Moon takes in the golden light of the Sun, transforms it and sends it back out into our night as glowing silvery light. This alchemical transformation of Light washes us an awareness of the possibilities of change, for the Light is the same, and yet different. Each month, the full Moon takes the essence of the solar Light and brings us a new piece of Wisdom, a new insight into Life, a new awareness of Self, for the Moon's magic is the source of transformation and growth here on Earth.

The 2012 Virgo full Moon occurs on Thursday, March 8 at 1:41 am PST, 4:41 am EST, 9:41 am GMT.

--writing found at