Friday, September 23, 2011

Alicia Luengas Gates

Alicia Luengas Gates, C.S.C.

Alicia Luengas Gates spent seven years with indigenous populations in Mexico, where she was born. She has studied with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, especially with Michael Harner, since 1986 and is a Certified Harner Method Shamanic Counselor (C.S.C.) as well as having an active practice in shamanic counseling, consulting, and healing. She has been a faculty member of the Foundation since 1993, teaching the Basic Workshop and advanced programs in the United States, Argentina, and Spain. In addition, she currently teaches the Three-Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing and the Two-Week Intensive Course on the West Coast.

In Alicia's own words, "I was a Franciscan nun in Mexico, and then while living with the Yaqui tribe, during the Deer Dance ceremony, my spirit animals came to me, talked to me, and helped me become one of them. I received them with joy and thought, like Francis of Assisi, I was learning to talk to the animals and to the brother sun and sister moon. Still, I did not know how to reach them, for they only appeared to me during the Deer Dance and special tribal celebrations.

"Later on, when I made my first shamanic journey, I found the same spirit animals, but now could talk to them, ask them questions, and understand how they communicated with me. I now could go meet them whenever I wanted to. WHAT A JOY! I knew then that I had found my spiritual path. I immediately started training with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies intending to apply this to my personal growth and problem-solving, without knowing that one day I would be called by my spirit helpers to offer shamanic healing to those who request it. My shamanic practice has flourished ever since with their help.

"Shamanic work is not work for me, it is my life and my passion. I consider myself blessed to have the privilege of doing this work and to share shamanic knowledge teaching for the Foundation."