Tuesday, May 31, 2011

a heart gift from my wife, Li Chen

is a stone of Protection, almost unknown, extremely hard to find and often confused with Onyx and with the "zebra" variety of crystallized agate, consisting mostly of silicon dioxide.

In ancient Persia and Tibet, Suleiman stone was amongst the most valued and sought for ones. It can improve our performance on all levels. It has the power to alter the natural state of matter. In ancient times this stone has mostly been used channeling and for magic, which is not at all its highest function, and even been often misused.

This has caused the Suleiman to withdraw to great extent and in a certain sense to hide from the collective consciousness, and as a matter of fact it is not mentioned in any of the western gemology books I have seen, only in very old text in Tibetan, Sanskrit and Farsi.

However, it easily opens and vibrates in the hand of healers and Light Workers. Perhaps, it is the best stone to equilibrate the Yin/ Yang energies, but it is mostly used to become free from all negativity, childhood traumas and heavy karmas from past lives. It it possible to direct negative entities into this stone then put it in salt water to dissolve them.