Tuesday, May 31, 2011

a heart gift from my wife, Li Chen

is a stone of Protection, almost unknown, extremely hard to find and often confused with Onyx and with the "zebra" variety of crystallized agate, consisting mostly of silicon dioxide.

In ancient Persia and Tibet, Suleiman stone was amongst the most valued and sought for ones. It can improve our performance on all levels. It has the power to alter the natural state of matter. In ancient times this stone has mostly been used channeling and for magic, which is not at all its highest function, and even been often misused.

This has caused the Suleiman to withdraw to great extent and in a certain sense to hide from the collective consciousness, and as a matter of fact it is not mentioned in any of the western gemology books I have seen, only in very old text in Tibetan, Sanskrit and Farsi.

However, it easily opens and vibrates in the hand of healers and Light Workers. Perhaps, it is the best stone to equilibrate the Yin/ Yang energies, but it is mostly used to become free from all negativity, childhood traumas and heavy karmas from past lives. It it possible to direct negative entities into this stone then put it in salt water to dissolve them.

Mayah Lalana, Happiest Of Birthday's on your 8th

Monday, May 30, 2011

Ode to Cascadia & Portlandia

What is permanent when fading through a lucid sky supported by currency on your 38th birthday?

Still, I have to ask....am I in too deep?

Too deep for what -- falling into an opening, cascading like water from the Cosmos, only to return home holding the strength of this infinite hand?

The moment is a carving inside of you, waiting to be wielded.

Within love is the rising of People's power to outshine deceitfulness.


Talking Stick, carved by Dana Rachshtul

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's my Dad's Birthday and this one, two goes out to him on his 62nd

Launch outta our pad...Who knows a nicaship?

Young flowers and trees grow as the Secada, great of sound and depth compares to you...how could any one of us write this sound?

That penetrating sound of no static, no white noise, and that of only a wild forest, tropical grove awaiting the heavy May rains.

Turquoise browed Motmot's call, most certainly, might be that of our goddess of love, and her sutra's of attraction and desire. Those ruling the cosmic-comic drama relating to our underground existence, appearing in ridiculous showings of law, pushing for Death of wrongs, mirroring our cries.

Who has to really die?

The sainted Sun has to die for a bit every year so that the semilla (seed) of her majesty Nature can go within her-elf to impregnate the whole globe drawn above to Creation with her hips, the Great One--Tree sways.

Religion's applied mental is a rather huge hoax next to God's expansive light and unconditional love for all

This photo of rising and falling water symbolizes the 78 % we are at birth of fluid motion, perhaps relating to Earth's environment through the presence of another person, based on authorship's platform, implanted within our psyches by family, friends, and the world is just merely not-of-such movement as described above, leading to dissonance and often times feeling personally unresolved in Life.

It is said that a dial is opened from within, though an external device, exponentially heightens your potential of doing so.

-j.a .knolls