Friday, January 8, 2010

"our connection to the cosmos is an inductive one...

The cosmos is a life force. The energies of the cosmos are induced into our bodies, not by physical contact, but by energetic induction. Not from one coil to an other, but from one life force to another.

In taijiquan, in Chinese medicine, if we really fully absorb the fundamental ideas and concepts, and they exist in our mind as valid, complete concepts, they will inductively connect to each other in our mind. They will relate in a way that is simultaneous, inductive synthesis."

in·duc·tive adj
1. involving, operating by, or caused by electric or magnetic induction
2. relating to the process of inducing a feeling, idea, or state
3. generalizing to produce a universal claim or principle from observed instances
4. producing an effect on another embryonic part by induction

"Then we won't have to linearly hunt through one idea at a time. The inductive synthetic connection with one another in our minds will produce new information, not knowable otherwise. This is a very mysterious process, but it works.

If you brought five magnets together in proximity to one another, those magnetic fields would all participate with each other in a very unique way. If you took one away it would be a completely different magnetic field. These ideas, as electrical energy, as concepts within our heads, will link up in exactly the same way. And it will produce a field, a summation field that is more than anyone ever bargains for. It will produce a new knowledge, new sensory awareness, new perceptions. And this is the part you have to take on faith, because it won't happen until they are all there, and all feeding into the energy of your thought processes and your whole body-being. You have to get out of the way of it so that it will happen.

Taiji, I think, is our only hope, because it will teach us how to experience our bodies globally, as one piece, simultaneously."

Dr. Sean Christiaan Marshall, D.Ac; founder of Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine